Murderers wanted! The left-wing Facebook groups are a place where the extremists who want to shoot the Prime Minister gather!


“Are there any more Bosnian patriotic snipers left?” reads a post in a Facebook group called Enough of Janez Janša. The popular left-wing slogan “death to Janšaism” is thus just about to come true, and the Slovenian Prosecutor’s Office is still turning a blind eye to death threats.

Facebook user Denis Junger, with a fake profile picture of the murderer Che Guevara, published a post in the Facebook group Enough of Janez Janša, in which he announced that he is looking for a sniper for the murder of the Prime Minister of Slovenia, Janez Janša. With this, the threats of the left-wing slogan “death to Janšaism,” which we can see at Friday’s protests, organized by the far-left individuals, are becoming a reality.

“In regards to my statement that you will be directly responsible for any possible victim of the organized death threats, I would like to explain to you that if someone  knows that a crime which is legally punishable by imprisonment of three years or more, is being organized, and does not report it while it could still have been prevented, he or she is also punished by imprisonment for up to one year,” the Prime Minister wrote in a letter to the President of the State Prosecutor’s Council, regarding the decision of the council not to condemn the actions, such as the death threat –“death to Janšaism.”

Given that the State Prosecutor’s Council decided not to prosecute those who carry the banners that read “Death to Janšaism,” as they claim that this is only a matter of opposing the ideology, they should undoubtedly prosecute posts such as the one with the sniper. However, there are also some members who support the act or even incite more hatred. Among the comments, you could read statements like: “Or maybe a drunk hunter?” “A biker from Bosnia told me that they are collecting a financial reward for the liquidator.”  Posts like these should make law enforcement think about whether they really want to continue to turn a blind eye when it comes to the issue of death threats.  

Sara Kovač


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