Slovenian tourist outraged: Muslim tourists treated like first-class citizens in Bled


In many parts of Europe, Muslim newcomers are treated like first-class citizens in relation to the local population, even though the latter are the ones who filled the Treasury through hard work. Meagre pensions, high costs of asylum seekers, discontent of young people on the job market, and the growing number of terrorist attacks are the reasons why many are fed up with being treated like second-class citizens in the country of their birth which their ancestors died to defend. The following incident, which is evidence of such practices in Slovenia, has been related to us by one of our readers, Ana, who had an “unpleasant and discriminatory experience” while relaxing in a hotel in Bled.

Our reader Ana had decided to relax in the 4-star hotel Kompas in Bled, but while visiting the hotel pool, she encountered discrimination. For hygienic reasons, it is obligatory for all bathers to take a shower before entering the pool. But it would seem this only applies to some guests. Our reader noticed how a woman in traditional Muslim clothing and with her head covered went swimming with her children without first taking a shower. Given that no one asked the female swimmer and her children to take a shower before entering the pool, our reader rightly asks why there are such differences in the treatment of Muslim and non-Muslin guests and how it is possible that the former can swim in the pool wearing dirty clothes.

It seems that hygienic standards apply differently to different people, and Slovenian tourism apparently favours wealthy Arabs, who do not have to follow rules that are supposed to apply to everyone. Moreover, swimming in pools while wearing “burkinis” somehow does not fit in the context of Slovenian tourism, and even less into a pool for both children and adults.

Slovenia is a country of inequality
This case shows that there are double standards in Slovenia, even though many are trying to convince us of the opposite, claiming that they are the ones who are in a weaker position. A good example are the migrants who have been allowed to settle in Slovenia by the Slovenian Government. For a long time, the Slovenian Government feigned ignorance regarding the monthly costs of maintaining one asylum seeker, but the audit report from the Court of Auditors of Slovenia finally revealed at the beginning of the year that the monthly costs in 2015 were at least €1,963 per person. Given the meagre pensions of Slovenian pensioners and the fact that the net minimum wage is €613, the wave of indignation from citizens is completely justified since it is painfully obvious that the state is taking better care of those that have never paid even one euro into the state budget. Furthermore, the latter also live in apartments with modern equipment and LCD TVs and enjoy healthy and varied meals that many Slovenians cannot afford.

“I’m deeply convinced that citizens of the Republic of Slovenia can and should decide the most important matters. This includes the issue of the settlement of illegal immigrants. I’ll never tolerate giving more to these people than to Slovenian citizens,” said Vinko Gorenak, a deputy of the largest Slovenian opposition party SDS. Unfortunately, this has not been the concern of the “moral” government of Miro Cerar, who promised before the election that everyone would be equal and that the rule of law would work in practice.

Given that this was a concrete case of discrimination (which is ubiquitous in Slovenia) we have decided to send a question to the hotel management, asking them why there is unequal treatment in the hotel pool when it comes to Muslim and non-Muslim guests. We are still waiting for an answer and will publish it as soon as we receive it.

H. M.



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