The Civil Initiative against a Migrant Shelter in Bela Krajina has obtained a judgement against the Mayor of the Municipality of Črnomelj


In the administrative litigation of the Civil Initiative against a Migrant Shelter in Bela Krajina (with Maja Kocjan acting on their behalf) and the Municipality of Črnomelj, the Administrative Court of the Republic of Slovenia has ruled in favour of the Civil Initiative.

The inhabitants of Bela krajina have initiated the action because Črnomelj Mayor Mojca Čemas Stjepanovič rejected a request to trigger a municipal referendum. Now the Administrative Court of the Republic of Slovenia has ruled in their favour. The judgement states that the decision to reject the referendum was unlawful and that the municipality of Črnomelj must pay all costs relating to the proceedings incurred by the Civil Initiative or by Maja Kocjan acting on their behalf, which amounts to €347.70.

The actions of the Črnomelj Mayor were unlawful and arbitrary
Let us recall that the Civil Initiative against a Migrant Shelter in Bela Krajina has presented the Mayor and the Municipality of Črnomelj with an Initiative for a Referendum, which was supported by the signatures of about 350 citizens. In this respect, they referred to the Statute of the Municipality of Črnomelj. However, the mayor rejected the initiative on the grounds that there was no legal basis for holding the referendum and also stood by her decision.

M. P.


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