Losers and mentally challenged people: These are the words the journalist of the Slovenian public broadcaster Eugenija Carl has thrown at Slovenians who are against migrants


The correspondent for RTV Slovenija from the Primorska Region Eugenija Carl has written at length on the Pomagajmo beguncem (Let’s Help Refugees) Facebook page about how it is necessary to show solidarity for migrants and that she feels shame for Škofije, where there were mass protests against the planned settlement of migrants a few days ago. ‘If refugees don’t arrive there, they’ll think they’ve won. They haven’t gained a victory but lost an experience – a lesson. Life’s losers.’ She already demonstrated a similar intellectual level in January when she called the citizens of Brežice mentally challenged.

Eugenija Carl, a correspondent for the Slovenian national television from the Primorska region, seems to have found a new mission in her life. She has written at length about migrants in Slovenia, saying that they are unfortunate and therefore need our help. Specifically, she pointed out in her post on the Pomagajmo beguncem (Let’s Help Refugees) Facebook page that “those who haven’t seen their suffering up close cannot understand it. If the mother of the two children who’ve carried a banner saying ‘Take them to Murgle …’ had been in Dobova last year for only 10 minutes, I believe that she’d never have picked up the pen” and that she is “ashamed for Škofije today. If refugees don’t arrive there, they’ll think they’ve won. They haven’t gained a victory but lost an experience – a lesson. Life’s losers.”

Carl’s communicating is a ‘reflection of maturity and sophistication’
Not even the public broadcaster where Carl is employed agrees with her writing. We asked RTV Slovenija to comment on the January writing of Irena Ulčar Cvelbar and Eugenija Carl, and they answered: “Expressing personal opinions, also through social networks, is the right of every individual. However, the employees of this public institution also indirectly help shape the public image of the national media service with their activities and appearances on social networks. A while ago, RTV Slovenia already asked its employees to communicate responsibly and prudently on social networks since, as a media service, we have a big influence in society, so it is reasonable from the public to expect us to demonstrate high quality standards and professionalism in all types of public communication, even when it is not official. All of our (responsible) editors strive for high quality standards and professionalism in all types of communication, but responsible and respectful communication is a reflection of the maturity and sophistication of each individual.”


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