The extreme left that is latched on to the budget is already preparing for violent protests


With the possibility of Janša’s third government becoming a reality, a familiar scenario by the progressive left-wing structures and organisations is probably on its way. Domen Savič has already announced his march to Brussels, the independent left-wing Slovene Association of Journalists, RTV Slovenia, and POP TV are writing their public manifestos on the attacks of the freedom of the press. And Dnevnik has used Janez Janša’s joking statement to predict that Janša’s future government will interfere with their editorial policies. Štrukelj’s trade unions are also warming up, as are the non-governmental organisations which were awarded one million euros.

Their plan was revealed by journalist and political analyst Mitja Iršič. »Following the appointment of the new government, protests are underway. Some well-informed academics have already announced them. If you don’t want to be robbed of democracy by the uncles from the background again, the only solution is to protest their protest. A strong government is only part of the equation. The phenomenon of Civil List party (Državljanska lista, DL) can happen again, if the aggression of the Metelkova people will be strong enough,« Iršič stated.

We can still remember the massive protests of the trade unions that were happening at the time of Janša’s first government. The regime journalist lackeys were sending petitions to the Worldwide public, stating that their freedom of the press is being denied. Unfortunately, their statements turned out to be untrue, since at the time of Janez Janša’s first term, freedom of the press was at its peak in all indices. This time, the first exporter of the media’s »anti-janšaism« abroad, will be the radical left-wing activist and self-proclaimed hate speech warrior Domen Savič, who will tell his fairy tales about alternative Slovenian media at the Brussels’ meeting of the European Union-sponsored NGO Disinfo.

Following the appointment of the new government, protests are underway. Some well-informed academics have already announced them. If you don’t want to be robbed of democracy by the uncles from the background again, the only solution is to protest their protest. A strong government is only part of the equation. The phenomenon of Civil List party (Državljanska lista, DL) can happen again, if the aggression of the Metelkova people will be strong enough, said Mitja Irsic.

The attack on a possible Janša’s government was launched with the letter from the privileged 75 »academics« and the tycoon Odlazek’s obscure web media outlet
After the initial shock that followed the resignation of Marjan Šarec, the media owned by the transitional left got organised and launched their systematic attacks on the members of political parties who were considering participating in Janša’s upcoming government. They staged their attack with a classic opinion letter from the 75 independent academics, who listed several reasons why Janša’s government would be harmful to Slovenia. Their interests were quickly revealed, as most of them are enjoying the excellent privileges that the role of a professor on a Slovenian Faculty brings. Some of them also cooperated with the former political regime’s secret political police.

The fight against hatred, financed with public funds, will be brought to Brussels this year!
In May, at the @DisinfoEU conference, we will be giving a lecture on the problem of financing Hungarian propaganda with public funds in Slovenia.
More on this at
— Državljan D (@DrzavljanD) February 25, 2020

The obscure Odlazek‘s web media outlet was trying to cook up a new international affair with the help of a journalist killing squad, consisting of Primož Cirman, Suzana Rankov, Tomaž Modic and Vesna Vuković. However, we exposed them with the help of old sources, provided by the tax expert Ivan Simič, as they all excel in tax evasion.

Another caricature published in Dnevnik on Friday, September 14th, 2007, behind it again: Cirman-Vukovič-Rankov, who selected me as their target. Regards. IS
— Ivan Simič (@IvanSimi3) February 16, 2020

Will they use Greta’s youth movement Young people for Climate Justice again; the first protest announced this week
Will we again be able to follow the activist protests of the radical student society Iskra, to which Levica’s MP Miha Kordiš belonged? Given the resourcefulness of the deep state, they are willing and able to take advantage of the youth movement Young people for Climate Justice for their own low-minded goals. Given that 180 organizations have been mobilized for their alarming climate change protest in September, it would come as no surprise if they would activate themselves again to combat the climate change deniers, as the left-wing ecological experts have called the Slovenian Democratic Party (SDS) time and time again. Our prediction will come true on Friday, for when the No fear coalition has scheduled their protest Against the coalition of hatred.

It is interesting that young people see climate change as the biggest threat to their home country… but not the debt relief for the first-class elite, illegal immigrants,… #theRedSchoolSystemIsWorkingWithFullForce
— Jezikač (@jezikach) September 27, 2019

On the other hand, Slovene entrepreneurs and economists have sent the future government a letter of support, urging it to start work as soon as possible and to realise the necessary projects and reforms. Janša’s possible third government will be faced with a difficult task, as the entire civil, media, and academic sphere will continue to force its left-wing ideology on the citizens of Slovenia.

Luka Perš


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