Janez Janša’s government could be sworn in as early as Friday night or Saturday morning, due to the severity of the current situation


»I suggested to the Council of the President of the National Assembly that the session of the National Assembly at which we will get the new government be held this Friday. Slovenia urgently needs an operating government with full powers,« Speaker of the National Assembly Igor Zorčič wrote. And so, the extraordinary session of the National Assembly at which the new government will be confirmed could be scheduled as soon as Friday at 6:30 PM. What this means is that the new government will likely be sworn in in the middle of the night, or maybe even on Saturday morning.

Hearings of the ministerial candidates for the new government are being held in the National Assembly this week. According to the Speaker of the National Assembly Igor Zorčič, the new government will be sworn in on Friday, because of the serious health crisis caused by the new coronavirus in Slovenia. The situation regarding coronavirus in Slovenia is very serious. This was also stated by the Prime Minister Janez Janša in his media appearances on Nova24TV and in the show Odmevi on RTV Slovenia.

The fallen Šarec’s government will be more than happy if the change of the government happens on Friday. For them, this would mean the end of worrying about the coronavirus, problems in Slovenian healthcare, housing problems, and other pressing matters that Šarec’s government has not been able to solve in its term. The Slovenian left will also be able to rest for a moment, not having to worry about everyday Slovenian problems, as it has ruled without interruption since 2013.

Janša’s government could be sworn in on Friday night
The extraordinary session of the National Assembly at which the new government will be confirmed could be scheduled as soon as Friday at 6:30 PM. What this means is that the new government will likely be sworn in in the middle of the night, or maybe even on Saturday morning. According to our information, today, the outgoing Minister of Health Aleš Šabeder has made the request that the incoming government takes over the coordination of the crisis headquarters instead of the Ministry. This was also suggested by the future Prime Minister Janez Janša, who is expected to officially take over the position on Saturday.

Speaker of the National Assembly Igor Zorčič has added an agreement to Thursday’s agenda, to convene an extraordinary parliamentary session to confirm the list of ministerial candidates. According to the proposal, the session is set to begin at 6:30 PM on Friday, and the new government could already be confirmed later in the evening. The committee hearings of ministerial candidates are scheduled to happen before Friday.

Luka Perš


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