Why are the leftists protesting? They are afraid of two things: that the laws will start to apply to everyone equally, and that they will have to start working for the money!


Today’s statement of the day reads: “Why are the leftists protesting? They are afraid of two things: that the laws will start to apply to everyone equally, and that they will have to start working for the money!”


By only following the mainstream media, many people get the wrong picture of the real background of the anti-government protests that have been going on in a few of Slovenian cities. In the mainstream media outlets, we can hear different statements, claiming that the protesters are fighting corruption and that their anger is also directed at all the previous governments. Which is a big lie, because the protests started on the first day of the new Government when Janez Janša was elected Prime Minister-designate for the formation of a new government, and later, the protests simply escalated and became the weekly cycling protests.

Above all, there is money and influence in the background of the protests – something which the protesters, mainly the members of non-governmental organizations, and other privileged people of the system, do not intend to give up. To this end, they are becoming aggressive in their activism, and the mainstream media is uncritically supporting them.

Two things that the protesters are bothered by the most
Therefore, the editorial board has chosen the cited statement for the statement of the day, because at this moment, it best illustrates the reasons for the dissatisfaction of the protesters. This is not a question of corruption, dictatorship, freedom of the media… This is a very simple matter: the protesters, about whom one can say that they are extreme leftists, are afraid of two things – that the laws will start to apply to everyone equally, and that they will have to start working for the money.

Hana Murn



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