[Public opinion poll] Janez Janša is the most suitable person for running the country


Despite the fact that the anti-government protests, which often include death threats, are illegal, there still seems to be no end to them in sight. The protesters apparently do not care about the increasing number of infections in the country and in our neighbouring countries, where Slovenians like to travel. Instead of taking care of their own, as well as public health, they continue to gather. Given that these are mainly members of non-governmental organizations and representatives of the left-wing elite, it is interesting to see what citizens think about the protests. A survey, conducted by Parsifal Agency for Nova24TV, shows that most find the hostile slogan “Death to Janšaism,” appearing at the protests, unacceptable.

Despite the fact that, based on mainstream media reports, one gets the impression that shouting the slogan “Death to Janšaism” is no big deal, the results of the poll conducted by Parsifal Agency between June 19th, and July 2nd, show that the reality is very different. The vast majority of the respondents (84.3 percent) believe that the use of the slogan “Death to Janšaism” is not appropriate. Only 13.2 percent of the respondents believe that the slogan is appropriate.

The proportion of those who believe that the slogan “Death to Janšaism” is not appropriate, has remained almost the same
If we compare the results of July 2nd with the results of the poll from June 18th, we can see that the proportion of those who think that chanting the slogan “Death to Janšaism” is not appropriate, is almost the same. It amounted to 84.7 percent in June, and on June 2nd, it amounted to 84.3 percent. If we compare the percentages of those who think that chanting this slogan is appropriate from the last opinion poll to this one, we can see that there was a slight increase in the number, namely, the share on June 18th was 11.4 percent, and on July 2nd, it was 13.2 percent. The share of those who are undecided fell from 3.8 to 2.5 percent in the latest survey.

The majority believes the conduct of the police at the protests is appropriate
Despite the fact that a large proportion of protesters is shouting about how we supposedly live in a police state, we can see that the police, despite the growing number of provocations, continue to act professionally. When asked: “How do you view the police actions that have so far happened during the protests?” the majority answered that they believe the conduct of the police at the protests is appropriate (47.6 percent of the respondents). 22.4 percent of the respondents believe that their actions are too harsh, and 21.9 percent believe that they are not harsh enough in their responses.

If we focus on the demographic and content variables, we can see that it is mostly the women who believe that the police actions at the protesters are appropriate. The largest share of those who are satisfied with the actions of the police belongs to the youngest age group, from 18 to 34 years, and to those who have completed high education or higher.

The majority believes that Janez Janša is the most appropriate person for the position of Prime Minister
Given that the protesters are calling for the resignation of the current government, it is interesting to note that most of the respondents believe that Janez Janša is the most suitable person for the position of Prime Minister. As much as 26.5 percent of the respondents cast their vote for Janša, while Tanja Fajon, who is in second place, got 16.7 percent of the votes. As we can see, the difference between Janša and Fajon is considerable, even though one could easily get the impression that Fajon is the undisputed winner, if he were to listen to the reports of the mainstream media. Former Prime Minister Marjan Šarec, who obviously regrets resigning from the position, got 14.5 percent of the votes, which puts him in third place. Judging by the results, he is followed by: Zmago Jelinčič, Aleksandra Pivec, Matej Tonin, Luka Mesec, Alenka Bratušek, Zdravko Počivalšek. 29 percent of the respondents are undecided.

If we compare the results of June 5th to the results of June 18th and July 2nd, we can see that Janša continues to stay in first place. Fajon and the former Prime Minister Šarec are also still firmly in second and third place.

The methodological sample of the poll is: the survey included 715 respondents, of which 49.9 percent were women. The average age of the participants is 51,6 years, and the standard deviation is 15.9 years. The majority of the respondents are from the oldest age group (42.9 percent), a slightly smaller number of participants belong to the middle age group (38.0 percent), and the smallest number of respondents is from the youngest age group (19.1 percent). The majority of the respondents have completed high school (34.8 percent), followed by those with completed high education or higher (28.9 percent), 24.0 percent of respondents have finished vocational school, and 12.3 percent have either not completed or have only completed primary school. The majority of the respondents currently reside in a small village or hamlet (53.8 percent), followed by those who live in the city (31.3 percent) or a smaller town (14.9 percent).


Nina Žoher


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