Left-wing extremist Janšar is threatening Slovenian police officers: “When we finally snap, I suggest that the police officers stay at home because nothing will stop us then…”


When we finally snap, I suggest that the police officers stay at home because nothing will stop us then,” a left-wing extremist Sanjin Jašar, who also produces and deals drugs, wrote on Facebook.

After many threats to the center-right Government led by Janez Janša were made, stating that after the crisis ends, the “street will come” (you can watch the video HERE), the left-wing activist Jašar took a step further. He went too far – so far, in fact, that Božidar Novak reported him to the police over Twitter.

Jašar told the police: “When we finally snap, I suggest that the police officers stay at home because nothing will stop us then. Stay with your families and let the people do their thing. There aren’t enough of you to handle all of us. This is not 2012; this is 2020. And the left, right, and center, will finally stand together again, after 30 years, to get rid of all of you.”

Shortly after this, he also announced that he intends to violate the temporary restriction of movement outside the municipalities of residence:


This weekend, I will go drive out of my municipality of residence and will record the cops if they stop me. I will look them in the eyes and tell them what’s coming to them. I will post the videos on Facebook and Youtube. I am already so good at this that they can only pray to God that they do not stop me. All you have to do is pay off the fees if I get any. What do you say?”



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