Hooligans are destroying everything that is Slovenian!


On Šmarna gora, hooligans have vandalised the chapel, defiling it with Islamic slogans. On one side they have written Allahu Akbar and on the other Sharia (Islamic law).

Following the vandalism of St. Anne’s Church above Podpeč, whose façade was desecrated with Islamic slogans at the end of September 2016, the chapel on Šmarna gora became the next target soon after the New Year. Both were defiled with Islamic slogans such as Allahu Akbar.

This was obviously a systematic attack on European and Slovenian Christian values, but the police have done little more than write a report. Of course, they responded completely differently when pork heads appeared at the construction site of the mosque in Ljubljana. At that time the police regularly provided the media with information about the progress of their investigation, as evidenced by countless articles in the mainstream media. On the other hand, nothing but tourist information has appeared concerning the St. Anne’s Church, and Nova24TV has been one of the few members of the media that have drawn attention to this attack on the Slovenian identity. According to our information, police have again only looked at the scene of the crime and failed to provide the public with an official report after this offensive nightly operation on Šmarna gora.

Marjanca Scheicher


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