Members of Parliament discussed the interpellation against the Minister of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, Anja Kopač Mrak


At the continuation of the December session of Parliament, the members of Parliament discussed the interpellation against the Minister of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, Anja Kopač Mrak, which was submitted by the parliament group SDS, after the Supreme Court had ruled that the two little boys from the Koroška region were illegally taken from the kindergarten and that the grandmother, who took care of the boys, has been a victim of a violation of the constitutional rights.

By once again submitting the interpellation, the SDS parliament group would like to warn about the state of the mind of the current Government. “The state, which can be noted in absurd and tragic cases, such as the illegal taking of the little boys from the Koroška region. The indifference and arrogance of the Minister of Labour and the Prime Minister show that the principles of a state governed by the rule of law, which were often emphasized before the elections, as well as the high ethical and moral standards the president likes to talk about, have been completely denied. 

On 19 October this year, the Supreme Court ruled that the boys were illegally taken from the kindergarten and that the grandmother, who took care of the boys, has experienced a violation of the constitutional rights. The SDS parliament group believes that the ruling of the Supreme Court has established new conditions which additionally confirm the reasons and arguments regarding the liability of the Minister of Labour, Anja Kopač Mrak, in the case of the boys from the Koroška region.

Marjanca Scheicher


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