The police have already found 245 suspected criminal offences from the area of banking crime. The courts have yet to convict any of them.


Anže Logar, the member of the parliament from the Slovenian Democratic Party (SDS), has, on 2 November this year addressed a parliamentary question to the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, concerning the prosecution of banking crime. In the reply, which was submitted by the Government, stated that the police have filed or recorded 245 suspected criminal offences from the area of banking crime until 28 October this year. The recorded damage is estimated at more than a billion euros.

The police have already completed 187 cases. Due to the reasonable suspected criminal offences, it has submitted 90 criminal complaints for 116 criminal offences to the prosecution, as well as 56 reports for 71 suspected criminal offences, which were found not to have any grounds for a criminal complaint.

Considering the investigations, it is quite tragic that the Slovenian courts have not been able to convict any banksters due to the high evidentiary standards. Instead of a guilty verdict they have created an acquittal court practice. Because of the controversial practices of the bankers, the citizens of Slovenia had to dedicate more than 5 billion euros for the recovery of the banks during the latest recapitalization.

Branka Jurhar


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