The coalition still does not support the change of the Aliens Act and thus jeopardizes the safety of the country


The Minister of the Interior, Vesna Györkös Žnidar, therefore once again urges to decide on the amendment to the Aliens Act, which is stuck in the government procedure. She pointed out that the Ministry of the Interior has already submitted the proposal for the amendment of the Act to the Government and it was already on the daily order for deciding. According to the Minister, the proposal was withdrawn, but the opinion of the Ministry regarding the content and the time of the adoption of the amendment remains the same.

The endeavours by the Minister of the Interior, Vesna Györkös Žnidar, who would like to amend the Aliens Act – so that in the case of under a thousand applicants for international protection on the border, the Republic of Slovenia could impose a moratorium on the European legislation and immediately stop accepting asylum seekers – seem reasonable according to the member of the parliament Vinko Gorenak, since in his opinion the “endeavours of the Minister of the Interior, Györkös Žnidar, are correct and in the interest of the Republic of Slovenia, as well as the citizens of the Republic of Slovenia.”

According to unofficial data, around 100,000 migrants are nearing Slovenia. And if such a number of migrants want to enter Slovenia unannounced, the government has to have a very clear scenario. This is an enormous number, which would be completely uncontrollable for Slovenia.

Marko Puš


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