Klemenčič has suggested appointing a human rights violator as President of the Supreme Court


Minister of Justice Goran Klemenčič has suggested appointing Damijan Florjančič as President of the Supreme Court to Members of Parliament. The media do not write about Florjančič very often, but the little that has been written in the past year primarily concerned his human rights violations.

A month ago, Politikis was already wondering who judge Damijan Florjančič was, and they reached the same conclusions that Reporter had published previously: Another name in the Slovenian criminal division is Chief Justice Damijan Florjančič, about whom experts say that he is two-faced, often turns his coat, and is not very professional. At the District Court of Koper, where he was a judge, his expertise is supposedly not regarded very highly.

Otherwise the public knows him as the judge whom President of the Supreme Court Branko Masleša appointed into the senate that adjudicated in the Patria case after requests for the protection of legality. The fact that Florjančič was part of the Senate of the Supreme Court which ruled on Janšas appeal regarding Patria and that this senate is infected with a totalitarian mindset has also been reported by Demokracija.

It is those who violate human rights that lecture about them the most
Reporter writes that in 2016, during the second two-day criminal justice course at the Bernardin hotel in Portorož, Damijan Florjančič appeared as a lecturer on the topic of Human Rights and Criminal Law, even though he had been among the judges who had grievously violated the human rights of Janez Janša, Ivan Črnkovič, and Tone Krkovič in the Patria case. This has also been unanimously declared by the Constitutional Court of Slovenia.

M. S.


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