Škrlec, who has been involved in a corrupt appointment, will now fight serious forms of organised crime at Eurojust


Zalar’s state secretary Boštjan Škrlec, who was in 2012 quickly appointed as director-general of the office of the state prosecutor general of the Republic of Slovenia by then minister of justice Aleš Zalar and state prosecutor general Zvonko Fišer and whose appointment was found to be linked with corruption by the Commission for the Prevention of Corruption (CPC), will get a post at the European Judicial Cooperation Unit (Eurojust), which seeks to fight serious forms of organised crime. It sounds unbelievable, but if you are “one of us”, clearly anything is possible.

While overseeing the appointment of Škrlec as director-general of the office of the state prosecutor general of the Republic of Slovenia in 2015, the Commission for the Prevention of Corruption (CPC) found that the actions of Fišer and Zalar had been corrupt in nature. For this reason, Zalar and Fišer decided to file a lawsuit, addressing it to the administrative court. The case got all the way to the supreme court, where they confirmed the dismissal of the findings of the CPC in November of last year. After the supreme court ordered the dismissal of the findings of the CPC regarding corruption, the biggest opposition party SDS drew attention to suspicions of a criminal offence, i.e. the abuse of office.

H. M.


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