Orban takes battle to higher level: he will expose Hungarians on Soros’s side with intelligence services


The Hungarian prime minister, Viktor Orban, has stepped up his fight against left-wing billionaire Georg Soros, who has recently allocated $18 billion to his Open Society foundation, by involving intelligence services. Open Society is the main driver for Soros’s global political activism and philanthropy.

Last week, in an interview for Kossuth Radio, Viktor Orban said that he had instructed his intelligence services to expose the initiatives which are supported by Soros, including the opening of EU borders for mass migration, as well as Hungarians in Budapest and Brussels who support him and his efforts. Orban emphasised that by engaging national intelligence forces he will expose Soros’s network, which endeavours to influence the European way of life. “The other question is who are the Hungarians in Hungary that participate in this process,” he said.

Soros’s supporters are also members of European institutions
According to Orban, individuals linked with Soros are members of the European parliament and other institutions that form the 28-member bloc. “Here officials don’t represent the views of Europeans but those from Soros’s empire, which endeavours to create a mixed population in Europe.”

Foto: epa

Orban: ‘Soros’s empire the only one that operates like mafia’
For most of his political career, Orban has advocated creating a migrant-free area in Hungary. He has put up a fence and protected Hungarian citizens from the uncontrolled invasion of Muslim migrants. Due to his brave attitude, he remains very popular among his constitutes but not with the American billionaire Soros, who has Hungarian roots and who stated in June that Orban leads a mafia state. Orban was not particularly enthusiastic about Soros’s words and described them as a declaration of war. “The only network in Hungary that operates like the mafia, i.e. not transparently, is Soros’s network,” Orban said and added that this is also why the parliament should strive for the transparency of these organisations.

Transparency is an area that is particularly problematic for Soros’s Open Society, which finances Black Lives Matter and Antifa, and this has given rise to a lot of criticism. At any rate, Viktor Orban is not alone in his fight against the ultra-liberal ideology of Georg Soros and the European Union. Together with Poland, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic, which represent more conservative Christian nations, and the so-called Visegrád group, Hungary is fighting a battle with Brussels over a controversial policy that enables millions of migrants to enter the European Union without hindrance.

Foto: EPA. George Soros.

He supports Democrats and weak nation states
Soros became most famous by supporting left-wing leaders, e.g. the former American president Barack Obama and the Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. In the past, he has criticised strong national borders and characterised them as a great obstacle to the entry of illegal migrants to the west, and an investigation by Italian authorities has revealed that he is also linked to non-governmental organisations that co-fund the infiltration of Europe by radical Muslims and that are also involved in human trafficking. As we can see, he is truly a “great” advocate of Western values.

Lately Soros primarily supports aggressive left-wing groups
Globally, Soros is involved in efforts to make Ireland a country that advocates abortions, demonise the Israeli government, and encourage the migration from the Muslim world to Europe through open borders. In the last few years, his foundation has supported dogmatic, aggressive left-wing groups, which disturb liberal democracy and stifle opposing voices. Soros is also considering to provide further funding for the resistance against Donald Trump.

Nina Žoher


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