Prime Minister Janez Janša assures that the competent ministries will prepare reports on the status of protective equipment! The part about the handover from the previous, Šarec’s Government, will be particularly interesting!


By Tuesday, 18th of April 2020, the competent ministries will have prepared and updated the reports on the provision of personal protective equipment during the coronavirus pandemic, and on the status of such equipment at the time of the handover, when the new government took office. The report will then be sent to the National Assembly for a comprehensive debate,” was Prime Minister Janez Janša’s response to the allegations of a controversial purchase of personal protective equipment, on Twitter.

Prime Minister Janez Janša took to Twitter to respond to the media allegations and reports on the controversial procurements of protective equipment and assured that the competent ministries would prepare reports on the provision of protective equipment during the time of the pandemic.

Since the report will then be submitted to the National Assembly, the part about the state of protective equipment in time of the handover between the old and the new government, will be particularly interesting.

Rok Krajnc


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