Activist of Social Democrats abuses position and sends false warning about abolition of NGO funding to more than 30 thousand addresses


After Branko Grims, a deputy of the Slovenian Democratic Party (SDS), pointed out at a television debate on Thursday that annually as much as €300 million are thrown out the window for NGOs that do not actually benefit the development of Slovenia (e.g. the Peace Institute) and announced that SDS would abolish the public funding of these NGOs, the director of the national NGO umbrella network (CNVOS), Goran Forbici, leaped into action. According to Večer, he sent a letter to more than 30 thousand NGOs, warning them of the potential consequences if Janez Janša wins the Slovenian parliamentary election. Grims points out that this is an extremely insulting manipulation as developmentally harmful leftist NGOs based on the LGBTQ ideology, such as the Peace Institute, are trying to hide behind firemen, athletes and other associations that are of value for the development and preservation of Slovenian society. According to Grims, this further exposes the legitimacy and necessity of the proposal to stop the funding of NGOs based on the LGBTQ ideology from the state budget and devote more taxpayers’ money to safety and development, i.e. also to firemen, athletes and all other associations benefiting the safety and development of Slovenia and its society.

Letter addressed to more than 30,000 NGOs  
In the letter, which was addressed to more than 30,000 NGOs, Forbici warns that if Grims’s predictions are fulfilled, it would lead to the abolition of municipal and national support for cultural, firemen, hunting, sports, fishing, pensioner and tourist associations as well as the abolition of funding of catholic and other private educational establishments. When asked by Večer why he decided to send a letter in which he warns about the victory of a political party and thereby inadmissibly interferes with the election campaign, Forbici answered: “As an umbrella organisation that is proud of uniting organisations not only from different areas but also different philosophical and political provenances, we categorically never have any favourites at the parliamentary election, at least not ones we would openly cheer for or publicly support.”

N. Ž.



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