Janša receiving congratulations from abroad: among the first to congratulate him was his friend Orban, and the EPP leader in the European Parliament, Weber


Congratulations are comping in from all over Europe, on the election of SDS champion Janez Janša to the post of Prime Minister of Slovenia. Among the first to congratulate him was the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. The head of the European People’s Party (EPP) political group in the European Parliament, Manfred Weber, also congratulated Janša.

“Congratulations to Janez Janša. Good luck, my friend,” Viktor Orban wrote on Facebook. Like SDS, NSi, and the non-parliamentary SLS, Orban’s party Fidesz is also a member of the EPP.

Fotografija osebe Orbán Viktor.

The new Slovenian Prime Minister was also congratulated by the head of the EPP political group in the European Parliament, Manfred Weber. “We are convinced you will deliver a strong pro-European government for a prosperous and successful Slovenia,” he wrote on Twitter.

Hana Murn


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