Remnants of Odlazek’s failing empire on the offensive: Svet24 continues to spread Dejan Karba’s proven lies about SDS


Svet24, a regime mouthpiece owned by none other than Martin Odlazek, continues its offensive against the Slovenian Democratic Party (SDS) and Janez Janša. After an article that blamed Janez Janša and Aleš Hojs for the fires at Kemis and Ekosistemi, they now continue their sordid chain of fake news by summarising Dnevnik reporter Dejan Karba, who sees SDS everywhere he looks. They too are now spreading the proven lie that the bean soup at the annual SDS camp in Bovec was cooked by soldiers and that Slovenian taxpayers paid for it. These are evidently the last attempts by Martin Odlazek’s failing empire to discredit the largest opposition party.

Martin Odlazek once controlled a huge tangle of companies (from paper processing to media outlets). Through the EVROFIT d. o. o. company, whose owners are Martin Odlazek, Domen Odlazek, Nejc Odlazek, Liza Odlazek, Maja Odlazek, Meta Odlazek, Tina Odlazek, and Gašper Odlazek, the Odlazek “clan” directly owned Dolenjski list d. o. o., Salomon d. o. o., RGL d. o. o., Veseljak TV d. o. o., Kočevski tisk d. d., Media storitve d. o. o., Studio D d. o. o., Radio Kum d. o. o., Lepenka d. d., Agencija24 d. o. o., Svet24 d. o. o., Blue trade d. o. o., and many more. And through the Salomon company, the clan indirectly controlled the Krater group, which included Papir servis d. o. o., SET d. o. o., Delo-TČR d. d., Algas d. o. o., and others.

Odlazek is still influential, but the tangle is slowly losing threads
Despite this tangled mess of radios (there is almost no radio that is not controlled by Odlazek), tabloids, and various agencies, the empire is slowly collapsing. The slow failure of many companies belonging to Odlazek’s business network already started in May – SET, Papir servis, and Korotan ended up in the red. We have already written that the bankruptcy of these companies is a way of protecting the assets of the Odlazek family. In this way, the family fortune, which has been derived from the Krater group, is protected while creditors lose tens of millions of euros. It is characteristic for Odlazek’s companies that ownerships change, that capital circulates, and in the end, when the companies have served their purpose, the owners rob them and file for bankruptcy.

This is exactly what happened with Papir servis and SET. Since 2011, SET has not made any profit. In that year, the company had a revenue of about €66 million, but at the end of 2016 it only had a revenue of €10 million. Similarly, the revenue of Papir servis hovered at around €90 million, but at the end of 2015 it was only at around €35 million. Moreover, in 2015 the debts and liabilities of Papir servis already exceeded the book value of the company by around €18 million. But this piece of information is deceptive as well since Papir servis was a 66% owner of SET. Tangles within tangles.

It is especially interesting that Papir servis has sold printing machines to the Salomon company, which is directly controlled by Odlazek. And Salomon has acquired deals for printing Dnevnik and Nedeljski dnevnik magazines. Therefore, the newspaper employing Dejan Karba has a direct business connection with the Salomon company – and Salomon is owned by the Svet24 company, which practically copied Dejan Karba’s lies and published them on the cover of its mouthpiece. The incredible offensive of lies which has recently been mounted by regime media reeks of the beginning of a left-wing election campaign. All the media controlled by the “puppet masters” have started vigorously attacking SDS and Janez Janša in the only way they know how – by producing fake news.

B. T.


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