The Assembly for the Republic demands that the Director-General of RTV, Kadunc, “Organize a debate for all the key protagonists of the “masks affair” as soon as possible”


The Assembly for the Republic sent a public request to Director-General of RTV Slovenija, Igor Kadunc, demanding that he organize a debate for all the key protagonists of the so-called “mask affair” as soon as possible. Members of the Assembly for the Republic believe that this is necessary because, on April 23rd, 2020, on the show Tarča (Target), certain public figures were accused of unusual corrupt actions, without any convincing and credible evidence, in connection with the procurement of the safety equipment used to combat the COVID-19 epidemic.

Slovenia is a democratic and pluralistic state. We do not need anonymous persons and vague remarks, allegations, or affairs that were created behind the scenes and never resolved,” the members of the Assembly for the Republic of Slovenia wrote in their public request that they sent to Director-General of RTV Slovenija, Igor Kadunc.

The Assembly for the Republic believes that the Slovenian public has the right to know the full story about the situation at the national Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Commodity Reserves. “RTV Slovenija, as a state-owned media outlet, is not only morally, but also legally obliged to carry this out.”

The allegations need to be cleared up
Therefore, the Assembly for the Republic of Slovenia demands that RTV Slovenija asks Zdravko Počivalšek, Anton Zakrajšek, Ivan Gale, Marjan Podobnik and Lojze Peterle to be guests on a follow-up episode of the show Tarča. The Assembly for the Republic is convinced that such difficult questions and allegations as were brought forward in the April 23rd episode of the show Tarča about the “masks affair,” deserve some clarification. For as long as they remain unanswered and unresolved, “they only cause restlessness, outrage, and complicated social disputes.”

You can read the translation of the letter below.

Director-General of RTV Slovenija
Mr. Igor Kadunc

Subject: Public demand

Dear Mr. Kadunc,

On Thursday, April 23rd, 2020, certain public figures that were guests on your show Tarča, were accused of unusual corrupt actions, without any convincing and credible evidence, in connection with the procurement of the safety equipment used to combat the COVID-19 epidemic. Such difficult questions and allegations deserve some clarification, for as long as they remain unanswered and unresolved, they only cause restlessness, outrage, and complicated social disputes.

The Assembly for the Republic demands that RTV Slovenija organize a debate for all the key protagonists of the so-called “masks affair” as soon as possible. Everyone who was pointed out on the show Tarča, in which allegations of grave corruptive actions were made, whether they were the defendants or the prosecutors, must face each other in front of the cameras. The following gentlemen should, therefore, be invited to a follow-up episode of the show Tarča:

  • Zdravko Počivalšek,
  • Anton Zakrajšek,
  • Ivan Gale,
  • Marjan Podobnik and
  • Lojze Peterle.

Slovenia is a democratic and pluralistic state. We do not need anonymous persons and vague remarks, allegations, or affairs that were created behind the scenes and never resolved. Slovenian public has the right to know the full story about the situation at the national Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Commodity Reserves. RTV Slovenija, as a state-owned media outlet, is not only morally, but also legally obliged to carry this out.

President of the Assembly
Franc Cukjati


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