Journalist Meta Roglič defends Miro Cerar at press conference concerning illegal migrant Ahmad


On Tuesday, Miro Cerar again disappointed Slovenian citizens. It is well-known that the Slovenian prime minister does not pay much attention to his citizens, since the number of people living below the poverty line is enormous, the situation in the department of paediatric cardiac surgery is still not resolved and it is still easier for promising young people to find work abroad. However, Miro Cerar, who had clearly shown his duplicity with the case of the illegal migrant Ahmad Shamieh, was not the only person that surprised at the press conference – the Dnevnik journalist Meta Roglič baffled as well, defending the prime minister after the press conference and trying to silence our journalist, who wanted to ask him a question.

Roglič, a regime media journalist that only a while ago attacked the renowned lawyer Boštjan M. Zupančič, seems to have double standards. She was critical of the former judge, who had pointed out the ineffectiveness of state institutions, which despite large-scale ecological disasters such as the ones in Kemis and Ekosistemi, had failed to act and look for those responsible for the fires, but she was unable to be critical of the prime minister, who had spoken about respecting court judgements and in the very next sentence made it clear that he would not respect them himself. Even worse. Not only did she fail to point out this duplicity and demand a clear answer from the prime minister, but when our journalist wished to ask him a question concerning the case of the illegal migrant Ahmad and respecting courts, she tried to silence her with the words: “He’s already said everything.”

Since when is Roglič, a Dnevnik journalist, a PR person for Mr Cerar? For the sake of her readers, if nothing else, she should have focused on the contradictory statements of the prime minister and not the work of journalists from other members of the media.

First they anticipate questions, then they change their minds
At yesterday’s press conference, Cerar did talk about the case of the illegal migrant Ahmad Shamieh, for whom three courts had decided that he must leave Slovenia since the country competent for his case was Croatia and he had also entered Slovenia illegally. The deportation was prevented by coalition deputies (including Cerar’s) and deputies of the Left, who had hidden Ahmad in the National Assembly of Slovenia, specifically in the office of the Social Democrats (SD), where he had been brought on Tuesday morning by deputies Jan Škoberne (SD) and Miha Kordiš (Left).

Miro Cerar (foto: STA)

As already mentioned, Miro Cerar showed three faces at the press conference:

– a face which said that we have to respect court decisions

– a face which said that the government will do everything to keep Ahmad in Slovenia

– a face which reprimanded deputies for bringing Ahmad to the National Assembly, since it was seemingly part of a pre-election campaign

Before the start of the press conference, Cerar’s PR person, the real one, not Roglič, was also present, holding a microphone that she usually offers to journalists at the end of the prime minister’s statement so that they can ask additional questions. Well, shortly after the arrival of our team on the government premises, this PR person left the room, returning without a microphone just before Cerar stepped in front of the journalists. It seems Cerar’s people got scared of the questions. Nevertheless, at the end of his statement our journalist asked a question since she wanted to clarify the statement about respecting courts, which the government apparently will not do. Unfortunately, there was no answer since Cerar simply walked out of the room. And then Roglič spoke out, trying to ensure that no one would suspect that this was one of the most bizarre press conferences during Cerar’s term.

Yesterday, after the press conference, we sent questions to the prime minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Dr Miro Cerar, via e-mail, but we have not yet received an answer.

B. V.


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