Hungarian Prime Minister Orbán: We have a coronavirus epidemic in Europe because of migrations!


Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has pointed out that it is quite clear that migrations are responsible for the coronavirus outbreak in Europe, noting that Hungary has been one step ahead of everyone else the whole time, as the country was aware of the dangers migrations pose.

In an interview on the Hungarian Kossuth Rádió on Friday morning, related to addressing the threat of a coronavirus outbreak in the country, Orbán was asked why the Universities are being closed, but public schools remain open. He said the reason for this was that there are a lot of foreigners at the Universities, and noted that most early cases of infection in Hungary were found in Iranian students.

Furthermore, according to Voice of Europe, Orbán explained that foreign students could not be separated from the Hungarians, so he thought it best to close the institutions completely. »We noticed that the disease was carried here by foreigners and is mostly spread by foreigners,« Orbán said, adding that it was no coincidence that the virus first appeared among the Iranian students. It is also worth noting that the Hungarian government has announced on Friday that public schools would also close their doors this week.

There is a logical link between migrations and an epidemic
Orbán argues that there is a logical link between migrations and an epidemic. »We are fighting a war on two fronts,« he said, according to the web portal About Hungary. »One front is called migrations, and the other belongs to the coronavirus.«

Foto: epa

Orbán also said that Hungary did not allow migrants to enter the country before the outbreak, and they will not allow it now. »Right here and right now, human lives come first,« the Prime Minister explained. »Prevention is key in ensuring that as few people as possible get infected, or worse, die.«

Earlier this month, Austrian newspaper Die Presse acknowledged that Orbán was right about the migrant crisis the whole time, and urged Chancellor Angela Merkel to apologize to Orbán for criticizing the Hungarian migration policies.

Hana Murn


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