Bojan Dobovšek: “There is a fifth branch of the government, the hidden elites behind the official authority.”



Bojan Dobovšek’s new book “Peta veja oblasti” reveals the paths of crime, corruption and who rules the country of Slovenia from the background. Dobovšek is an expert on organized crime and has lectured for many years in Slovenia and other European countries, whilst researching who the hidden elite are, how was it formed and what is its power. His next step was entering into politics, where he acts as an unrelated MP to this day.

“There is a fifth branch of the government, the hidden elites behind the official authority. I have named them informal networks. These elites are leading the country,” explains Dobovšek at his book presentation in a bookshop of the publishers, Sanje. Dobovšek also dealt with investigative journalists and journalism and determined that they are also subject to authority. He stressed that investigative journalists are rare, there are more PR journalists, that is journalists who represent data agreeable with the government. With this, he notices that dependent journalists are well paid, while the rest are precarious workers, struggling to make ends meet.

Informal networks, elites that are leading the country, are well hidden from the public eyes, as this is the only way they can protect their wealth. 10 years ago, when he started researching, his ideas were not well received. “Today,” says Dobovšek and continues, “some of the names are starting to come to light.” Money flows through the three pillars. Those are the SDH, DUTB or “bad bank” and the demographic fund. Civil society plays an important role in detecting criminality. It is important that people, who are stealing from the country, are the ones writing the laws and ruling from the background, reveals Dobovšek. At the local levels, Bojan Dobovšek is going to present his ideas and programme, intended for people, not elites.

Aleksandra Jug


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