Due to ‘fantastic’ arbitration agreement, which grants most of territory to Croatia, at least 24 families will have to leave their homes


24 Slovenian families that remained on the Croatian side of the border after the arbitration agreement are going through an absolute nightmare – they must leave their homes and build a new life on the Slovenian side of the territory. On Thursday, Slovenia will begin handing out financial support to the families which have decided to move to Slovenia after the arbitration ruling on the border between Slovenia and Croatia. With the financial support, they will be able to purchase new properties in Slovenia within the next three years. Altogether, 24 applications had been submitted by the end of March, and three have already been finalised.

By the end of March, Slovenia had received 24 applications for the purchase of new properties from 24 families. Altogether, 71 individuals are involved. Half of the applications had been submitted to the administrative unit of Piran, and the other 12 to the administrative units Metlika and Ljutomer. For 16 applications, the decisions have already been taken, while three of them are already finalised. The first two payments of financial support for the purchase of properties in Slovenia will be handed out on Thursday, 19 April, and the third one on Friday, 20 April.

The law applies to those Slovenian citizens or legal persons who on the day before the verdict was declared had a permanent residence or registered offices or owned property on the Slovenian territory which no longer lies within the borders of Slovenia based on the arbitration agreement. It applies to the territory which is no longer part of Slovenia according to the verdict.

C. Š.


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