Eight EU member states (Slovenia is not among them) will cooperate to establish Council for Investigation of Crimes of Communist Regimes


On the European Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Totalitarianism, ministers of justice from eight EU member states agreed to cooperate to establish the Council for Investigation of Crimes of Communist Regimes. The Platform of European Memory and Conscience publicly commended the approach of these governments since the initiative represents a response to the call of the platform in 2015 for international justice for the appalling crimes of communism. It seems that Miro Cerar’s government again considers this to be unimportant.

At a meeting organised by the Estonian EU presidency in Talin on 23 August, president of the platform Göran Lindblad presented the results of the ongoing JUSTICE 2.0 project, which is being implemented by the Platform of European Memory and Conscience. Since 2014, platform researchers and lawyers have identified several types of crimes against humanity that were committed during communist times in Europe, and they have identified more than 200 potentially responsible living persons, including former members of the politburo of communist parties in at least four EU member states. In May 2015, the platform called for the creation of a new supranational institution that would judge such crimes and their perpetrators.

Slovenia is not among participating countries
Since the Tallinn Declaration on 23 August 2015, Estonia has taken the lead in the initiative. Representatives of Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, and Slovakia have confirmed their cooperation with Estonia in establishing a Council for Investigation of Crimes of Communist Regimes.

“The systematic work of the Platform – bringing to light unpunished international crimes committed during Communism, their surviving perpetrators and victims and asking the international community for prosecution, – is our best argument against those who try to deny today that Communism was a criminal totalitarian dictatorship,” says platform managing director Neela Winkelmann.

N. Ž.


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