Episcenter Opinion Poll: Santa Claus Brought Most Support for the Voice of Aleš Primc, SDS Remains at the Top


Recent opinion polls by Median and Episcenter clearly show that the governing Modern Centre Party (SMC) enjoys lower support than at the last election since this time the biggest opposition party – the Slovenian Democratic Party (SDS) – would win convincingly.

Based on the data from Mediana, the biggest coalition party enjoys a support of less than a third of all respondents (29.3 percent), and an even greater decline occurred in the support of the government since 59.1 percent of the respondents are very critical about the work of the government. Based on the data from Episcenter, the support for SMC has decreased as 63 percent of the respondents do not approve of its work. Planet TV reports that the same percentage of the respondents feel that the situation in Slovenia is not going in the right direction.

However, unlike the data from Mediana, the data from Episcenter reveals that Cerars SMC ranks second with 12.9 percent of the support, and Židans Social Democrats rank third with 12.5 percent of the support. The biggest opposition party, SDS, ranks first, and has an even bigger support than in the data from Mediana, namely 20.7 percent.

N. Ž.


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