Former Janez Drnovšek advisor on the plans of the transitional left: “Delegations” are already searching for a new face for autumn!


“It is an open secret that for a month now, delegations have been wandering around Slovenia, tapping various people on the shoulder, wondering if any of them would be willing to become the “new face.” I expect that there will be more of these “wanderings” in autumn, but most likely, they will not be successful,” Dejan Verčič, Ph.D., a communicologist, former advisor to several Prime Ministers at home and abroad, and a professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences, said in an interview for the newspaper Delo (work). 

Dejan Verčič is a well-known name in the Slovenian political space. During his career, he has achieved many things, among others, he was the advisor to long-time Prime Minister and President of the Republic Janez Drnovšek, as well as the advisor to former President of the Republic Danilo Türk, former Croatian Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor, and former Prime Minister and President of Macedonia, Branko Crvenkovski. In an interview, Vrečič basically exposed the left-wing political network, and said, in regards to Janez Janša, that the dominant media and the current opposition are portraying him as something he is not. “This fear of Janez Janša as a wolf who will eat us is wrong and misleading,” Verčič said.

In the interview, Verčič honestly spoke about what the left-wing political network is doing wrong. He understands Janez Janša’s reactions on social networksand sees this as a consequence of the situation, as Janša needs to somehow keep in touch with his electorate, despite the disruptive opposition. “However, since the opposition has been trying to undermine the government from day one and force the elections to happen as soon as possible, in addition to running the government, as the president of the party, he must continue to also try and motivate his electorate, as if the elections were to happen tomorrow,” he said of the left-wing opposition’s tactics.

The deep state is looking for a new scapegoat
Since the death of Janez Drnovšek, the Slovenian left has been searching for the so-called new leader, but despite the many years of rule, they have so far been unsuccessful. They tried Zoran Janković, Alenka Bratušek, Igor Šoltes, Miro Cerar, and lastly, Marjan Šarec. But years of political deceptions seem to have run their course. According to Vrečič, the left-wing insiders are searching for a new face, but it seems that they have been completely unsuccessful so far. He pointed out that none of the potential candidates want to be the scapegoat. Verčič is also surprised that the same people who were not able to lead the government for more than a year and a half, now want to form a new one. In regards to the Levica party (the Left), he said that it supported the government like “Schrodinger’s cat” and moved between the opposition and the coalition.

An expert on the Slovenian political space accused Levica of trying to force early elections, due to the favourable public opinion polls. Former Prime Minister Marjan Šarec did the same thing with his resignation. He wanted to get rid of the inflexible coalition partners through forced early elections, as his party would have significantly strengthened its position if the early elections were to actually happen. However, he did not count on SMC and DeSUS, “He was wrong. SMC and DeSUS gave him the finger,” Verčič said.

SMC and DeSUS’ decision to enter the centre-right government was state-forming
At a time of a severe economic and health crisis, Verčič finds it very important to have a government with fully-fledged powers. He cannot even imagine what would have happened if we found ourselves having to hold the elections. He views SMC and DeSUS’ decision to join the centre-right government, to the surprise of a large part of the Slovenian public, as a state-forming one. “In these times, we need a government with full powers, not the empty pre-election fights. Especially since there are no challengers at the scene, at all.”

Tanja Fajon is not the right person for the position of Prime Minister
In an interview, he also touched on the question of whether Tanja Fajon has a chance to become the future Prime Minister. Like many other experts in the political field, Verčič was not surprised by Tanja Fajon, as she only adopted the radical language of the Levica party. “As expected, Tanja Fajon decided for the rhetoric of the Levica party, and thus, expanded the pool of support for the Social Democrats, but I do not think this will be enough for the necessary breakthrough.”

The dominant media like to claim that Janez Janša wants to appropriate and usurp the media space. Verčič shared his clever thesis, claiming that we, Slovenians, are prisoners of the American supremacy. He illustrated this with the example of the influence of Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, which are considered to be the most influential media tools in the world. He said that Janša is an experienced politician and had only adapted to the situation. Therefore, he finds the intimidation with the Hungarian media completely unnecessary.

At the end of the interview, he also shared his opinion of the cycling protests. He sees the parallels with the uprisings in 2012 and 2013, which, however, did not affect the next seven years. “I understand many of the cyclists, I understand why they are dissatisfied with the current situation in the country, but the previous so-called uprisings in Ljubljana and Maribor brought nothing but a carousel of governments, which we changed like underpants,” the expert on political communication, Dejan Verčič, Ph.D., was critical.

Luka Perš


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