Janez Janša: The policies of the government of Miro Cerar are anti-Slovenian


In Slovenia, priority must be given to Slovenians, but they are increasingly turning into second-class citizens, emphasises President of the Slovenian Democratic Party (SDS) Janez Janša. He asks Slovenians: How long will we keep tolerating this?

Janša has written that in every normal country citizens take precedence over foreigners, but in Slovenia this is not the case. It already started with the so-called erased, who (apart from a few exceptions who had truly been wronged due to bureaucracy) had not wanted to accept Slovenian citizenship because they had not believed in Slovenia.

Later they cried that they had been erasedand demanded compensation. The Left did all it could to lose the case at the European Court of Human Rights, and today even the most impoverished Slovenians are paying compensation through taxes and VAT. It was a scandal and a knife in the back for all who had voted and fought for an independent Slovenia,the President of SDS wrote on the website of the party.

Slovenian pensioners have received a raise of €2, while €130 million have been allocated for foreigners
Janša stresses that the anti-Slovenian policies continue with the governments generosity towards migrants, who are placed in public-owned dwellings while thousands of Slovenians remain without a decent roof over their heads. Miro Cerar has been allocating €130 million a year for foreigners. On the other hand, the rescue helicopters of the Slovenian Army remain without spare parts.

Janša also adds that Prime Minister of Slovenia Miro Cerar and President of the Democratic Party of Pensioners of Slovenia (DeSUS) Karl Erjavec have only granted a raise of €2 to pensioners with a modest pension. This shows whose lives and prosperity are the priority of this government. Solidarity within what is possible is one thing and is supported by a great majority of fellow countrymen, but the mindless destruction of the essence of a nation and the prioritisation of everything that is not Slovenian is something else entirely.

Because of such policies, Slovenians are increasingly turning into second-class citizens in their own homeland and country,wrote President of SDS Janez Janša and also asked how long we will keep tolerating this.

Branka Jurhar


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