Šokantna preobrazba: Poglejte dekle, ki je shujšalo za kar 160 kilogramov


Jacqueline Adan je tehtala že 226 kilogramov, nato pa se je odločila, da mora nekaj ukreniti. Shujšala je za skoraj 160 kilogramov in s tem povsem spremenila svoj videz, a ostale so posledice, ki se jih, kot pravi, še vedno včasih sramuje. Kljub temu je zbrala pogum in si nadela enodelne kopalke ter zakorakala po plaži v Mehiki.

Tridesetletnica se je pogumno odločila, da svojo zgodbo predstavi na Instagramu. Po tem, ko je z izgubo kilogramov temeljito spremenila svoje življenje, se je odločila še za korak naprej in je svoje telo, ki je kljub vsemu še vedno zaznamovano z njeno preteklostjo, pokazala v javnosti.

Na počitnicah v Mehiki se je odločila, da bo oblekla kopalke brez dela oblačila, ki bi pokrivalo gole predele kože. To je bilo zelo pogumno dejanje in Jacqueline je morala skozi živčno vojno, preden se je odločila za ta korak. Doživela pa je hladen tuš, saj je zaradi tega pritegnila prenekateri posmehljivi pogled, piše Daily Mail.

Takoj ko je pokazala svoje telo, je v bližini opazila par, ki se je norčeval iz njene postave. Čeprav se je Jacqueline spet počutila kot 200-kilogramska deklica, se je vseeno odločila, da ji to ne bo prišlo do živega, ampak bo uživala na počitnicah. “Globoko sem zajela sapo, se nasmehnila in zakorakala v bazen. To je bil zame zelo pomemben trenutek. Spremenila sem se. Nisem bila več isto dekle,” je zapisala v svoji izpovedi.

Prej in potem (foto: Instagram/Jacquelineadan44).

Nihče ne ve, kaj je preživela
“Da, še vedno imam veliko ohlapne kože in se zaradi tega počutim nelagodno, in, da, še vedno se iz mene norčujejo. Če sem iskrena, me je to zelo motilo, vendar sem se odločila, da mi takšni ljudje ne bodo prišli več do živega. Ne bom dovolila, da zaradi tega, kar drugi mislijo o meni, ne bi živela tako, kot si želim.”

Poudarila je tudi, da si vsi tisti, ki se norčujejo, sploh ne morejo predstavljati, kako je imeti več kot 200 kilogramov in potem več kot prepoloviti svojo težo. “Ne vedo niti, da še vedno okrevam po številnih operacijah. Nimajo pravice, da s prstom kažejo name in se mi smejijo.”

“Imeti rad sebe takšnega, kot si, je lahko zelo težko. Upam, da imate radi sebe in svoje telo,” še pravi Jacqueline, ki je po tem, ko je objavila svojo zgodbo, dobila več kot 30 tisoč všečkov in številne komentarje, v katerih so ji ljudje izrekali podporo.

Jacqueline pogumno objavlja svoje fotografije na Instagramu in tako širi svojo zgodbo, vredno občudovanja.

Confidence does not happen over night. Learning to love yourself, take care of yourself and not worry about what others think is hard to do. For me, even after losing 350 pounds, I still sometimes struggle with all of the old emotions that used to fill my head. Will they laugh at me? Will they like me? How do I look to them? Will they make fun of me or call me “fat”? I felt so ready to rock this bathing suit and not care what others thought about me because I was happy and I was proud of myself. When I got down to the pool…something else happened. I did not want to take my cover up off. Those same thoughts and doubts and lack of confidence and self esteem came rushing through me, and I would have rather done anything but take that cover up off. I walked to the edge of the pool, cover up still on, and I froze. I almost said “screw it I’m not going swimming.” And at that same moment when I decided I could not take my cover up off, it felt like someone slapped me in the face and said “just get in”. So that’s exactly what I did! This photo is the first time in over 5 years that I went into a public pool, without pants or a shirt covering me and just jumped right in! Change does not happen overnight! But we must fight to overcome our fears, self doubt and learn to love and accept ourselves just as we are! Who cares what others think! What matters is what we think and how we feel about ourselves! I worked too hard to not feel confidant in a bathing suit and to not jump right in! So jump in guys! Life is too short to keep sitting on the sidelines!! . . . . #jacquelineadan #jacquelinesjourney #fattofit #bodybuilding #bodybuildingcom #bodypositive #bodyposi #mondaymotivation #extremeweightloss #noexcuses #losingweight #weightloss #weightlosssupport #weightlosscommunity #beforeandafter #beforeandafterweightloss #weightlosstransformation #weightlossbeforeandafter #weightlossblogger #onaquest #fit #fitspo #motivationmonday #perfectlyimperfect #fitfam #fitspiration #fitness #workoutmotivation #effyourbeautystandards

A post shared by Jacqueline⬇️300lbDiet&Exercise (@jacquelineadan44) on

#tbt to about a week ago when I was trying on a bathing suit for the first time in a looonng time! This was especially challenging since I had to find one with sleeves. While on vacation I am trying my best to keep my incisions covered and away from the sunlight, since the sun can make scaring worse! So when I found a bathing suit with sleeves I told myself “you have to try it on”. I was filled with so many emotions as I tried this on. As I looked at myself in the mirror, for the first time I did not worry about my legs, what my body looked like in a bathing suit or what other people would think of me. I saw someone who worked damn hard to get to this place, this exact moment. I was debating sharing this photo, but I asked myself “why wouldn’t you?” So…that’s exactly what I am doing! My journey is far from over, however being able to try on a bathing suit, share it with all of you, and be PROUD of how I look..that is what counts! Love yourself…always!!! . . . . #jacquelineadan #jacquelinesjourney #fattofit #bodybuilding #bodybuildingcom #bodypositive #bodyposi #goals #extremeweightloss #noexcuses #losingweight #weightloss #weightlosssupport #weightlosscommunity #beforeandafter #beforeandafterweightloss #weightlosstransformation #weightlossbeforeandafter #weightlossblogger #onaquest #fit #fitspo #obesetobeast #perfectlyimperfect #fitfam #fitspiration #fitness #workoutmotivation #effyourbeautystandards

A post shared by Jacqueline⬇️300lbDiet&Exercise (@jacquelineadan44) on

Went on a little boat ride today and saw lots of dolphins and even a sea turtle! Being able to climb onto a little boat and not worry about if you can fit or if the boat will sink feels amazing! Normally I would just say I did not want to go, and stay off while everyone else went and had fun, or even worse no one else would go and enjoy themselves because they felt bad to leave me. The journey we take in life is something I hope you never take for granted! There will be hard times, and times you think it’s not worth it. But remember this is a journey. Learn to love the ride, and not focus so much on the destination. Enjoy all the little moments! Because they add up to big moments! . . . . . #jacquelineadan #jacquelinesjourney #fattofit #bodybuilding #nsv #bodypositive #bodyposi #goals #extremeweightloss #noexcuses #losingweight #weightloss #weightlosssupport #weightlosscommunity #beforeandafter #beforeandafterweightloss #weightlosstransformation #weightlossbeforeandafter #weightlossblogger #onaquest #fit #fitspo #nonscalevictory #perfectlyimperfect #fitfam #fitspiration #fitness #workoutmotivation #effyourbeautystandards

A post shared by Jacqueline⬇️300lbDiet&Exercise (@jacquelineadan44) on


B. O.



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