Kučan and His Scheming During the Disarmament of the Slovenian Territorial Defence


Members of the Defence Committee have continued the meeting interrupted in July regarding the responsibility of the President of the Presidency of the Republic of Slovenia Milan Kučan and others in the disarmament of the Territorial Defence of the Republic of Slovenia in 1990 as well as regarding the establishment of a commission of inquiry in this regard. Let us remember that in summer the committee meeting was obstructed by members of the coalition, and that the prime suspect, Milan Kučan, had not attended it either.

At the plebiscite on 23 December 1990, Slovenians made it clear that they do not want to live in a one-party system, which had been leading Yugoslavia towards an economic collapse because of its planned economics. Slovenians rejected the integration with the South Slavic nations because they wanted the freedom to choose with whom and how to cooperate, and above all they wanted to identify in accordance with the Slovenian cultural, religious, and historical principles and customs.

Comparing the situation before and after the disarmament reveals that at the beginning of 1990 Slovenia had 100,000 weapons at its disposal, but under the order of general Ivan Hočevar regarding the relocation to facilities controlled by the Yugoslav People’s Army (YPA), more than 80% of all weapons were relocated. At the time the presidency led by Milan Kučan did nothing to prevent these actions even though they had been fully informed.

At the meeting Janez Janša pointed out that most people with extreme political opinions who had directly threatened Slovenia can still be seen at meetings of Forum 21, whose mastermind is Milan Kučan. The president of the Slovenian Democratic Party (SDS) also brought a White Paper to the meeting, claiming that it contains authentic, historical documents that are the reason why the coalition obstructed the meeting.

L. S.


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