The greatest lie about the ‘great battle’ in second world war


There had been 81 houses and 444 inhabitants in Dražgoše before the war, but the census from 1948 reported only 209 people. The inhabitants of Dražgoše had been farmers, loggers, charcoal burners, and drivers (waggoners). Due to the diligence and peacefulness of the villagers, the village had been very prosperous. In the years 1936–1938, the teacher Bertot taught at the Dražgoše school. He had been educated in the Soviet Union and was a member of the Communist Party.

The Cankar battalion arrived in Dražgoše during the night of 30–31 December 1941. They came from Poljanska Valley and crossed Pozirno, Sveti Mohor (Zabrekve), and Kališe. The village was ideally located for a retreat to Jelovica if the Germans were to attack. There was a lot of snow, at least a metre and a half, but the paths from Jelovica were well trodden by people transporting wood. The Cankar battalion arrived in Dražgoše in two groups. Their main headquarters were at the Pr‘ birt homestead in Na pečeh. The partisans stayed in houses, stables, and the Sokol House.

On the first day of the fighting, on Friday 9 January 1942, my father already asked the partisans to leave the village because the Germans were too strong, and the partisans would not be able to defeat them. ‘Leave the village. I fought in the First World War; I know what an army is, what war is. The Germans will not tolerate this. Our people will be miserable, and you will be defeated or forced to retreat. We are prepared to transport food to Jelovica for you, just leave the village,’ my father beseeched them. On the first day, the Germans started firing cannons from Rudno. People were still in their houses that day. One house (called Žerevnikova by the villagers) in Na pečeh already burnt down on the first day.

On the second day, on Saturday 10 January 1942, the bombardment intensified. Several houses in the village of Na pečeh which were in the range of the cannons on Rudno pri Novakovi žagi burnt down. On Saturday people retreated into their cellars.


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