Danilo Türk again pursuing important international position with Kučan’s help


According to reliable sources, the former Yugoslav diplomat Danilo Türk is again applying for an important position with the help of Kučan’s circle. After his expected defeat and numerous unconvincing performances while running for UN Secretary General, he has set his sights on the position of the Secretary General of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).

Danilo Türk is an example of the failure of Slovenian foreign policy. Not only did he recently fail to be re-elected as President of Slovenia, which should have been a red light for the political commissars of our government who support him, but he extremely optimistically declared his candidacy for UN Secretary General, a decision that many members of the Slovenian media deemed unreasonable. Later this proved to be the case – in the United Nations they decided that his candidacy was not at an acceptable level.

Danilo Türk is again supported by the same people, i.e. the circle of Milan Kučan, which helped him politically in his candidacy for UN Secretary General. This time they argue that he did well during his candidacy for the United Nations (even though it ended rather miserably) and that Türk actually ‘deserves something’. As stated in Požareport, the candidacy is still in its infancy and happening behind the scenes since Türk apparently has not yet dared to announce it to the public. But it is again a candidacy in which Danilo Türk needs the support of Cerar’s government and the support of Slovenian President Borut Pahor.

Miha Pirih


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