Quid pro quo at the biased Constitutional Court


In the last couple of days, Slovenia has been shaken by another judicial scandal. Investigative journalists revealed that Constitutional Court Judge Matej Accetto secretly worked for former Prime Minister Miro Cerar and his party SMC. Moreover, in exchange for his work for the party, he was allegedly appointed a Constitutional Court Judge. What is even worse is that Mr Accetto, after already being a Constitutional court judge, publicly lied that he hardly knows Miro Cerar. The most worrying thing about the scandal is that he always adjudicated in favour of Miro Cerar’s party – SMC.

Former judge at the European Court of Human Rights, dr. Boštjan M. Zupančič commented on the affair saying that it would be most elegant if Accetto resigned on his own. “If he was smart, he would exclude himself. But the biggest problem is that Mr Accetto lied. Not only did he lie, he also misled the Constitutional Court, which issued a decision affirming his impartiality based on his false allegations,” said dr. Boštjan M. Zupančič.


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